Improvisation with violin, voice, body and image Biliana Voutchkova – violin/voice/performance
Walli Höfinger – video/voice/performance
Video footage by Biliana Voutchkova/Walli Höfinger
With the performance CONSTANT REALITIES we create an atmospheric space, that provides a field for improvisation.
Main questions of our research are: How does indoor/outdoor environment influence or color choices in performance? Can we visualize aspects of space perception? Can we find acoustic equivalents?
Working as a duo since 3 years, we are constantly developing visual concepts for our improvised musical and physical dialogues in space. In general we are focusing on the wide phenomena of movement – in terms of physical movement versus moving image. The constant life movement and the impossibility of freezing the moment corresponds with the variable element of speed. The sound, image and performative movement fully compliment each other creating a symbiotic poetic imagery. We work site-specific and always work towards strengthening the topographic specifics of each space– physically, acoustically and visually. Each time we inhabit a space through video relatively fast. Within this frame we aim for a performance format about an hour.
WALLI HÖFINGER (A) Walli Höfinger is an austrian performance artist, voice performer and Roy Hart Voice Teacher based close to Berlin. She works equally solo and in different formations together with artists of other fields in interdisciplinary projects. She originally studied "New Artistic Media" with Ulrike Rosenbach in Saarbrücken, parallel she started working in the contemporary dance field. Sincethen develops her own original work focusing on movement, video-installation,composition and voice.Since 2009 she is an approved Roy Hart Voice Teacher (Malérargues, France) and regularly teaching voice-workshops in Germany and allaround Europe.
BILIANA VOUTCHKOVA (BUL) Biliana Voutchkova is a dedicated, thoroughly engaged composer-performerwhose work combines regular performances of major solo violin/ensemble works, new works by contemporary composers often written for her and improvisation. Her constant research as acreativeimproviserspans the widest possible range of sound/music/movement andextends the sonic and technical capacities of herinstrument evolving into the development of a highly individual musical language. Biliana lives in Berlin and regularly appears at festivals and concert series worldwide. She works as a soloistand collaborates with the Splitter Orchestra,Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop,Ensemble Modern, Ensembles United, Mosaik, LUX:NM,Frances-Marie Uitti,Matthias Bauer, Audrey Chen,Ute Wassermann,Axel Dörner, Peter Ablinger, Michael Thieke and many others. Recent/current projects includesolo concerts at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Radar Festval, Radialsystem V and Unerhörte Musik, the solo portrait concert/presentation and the project "Gazes that matter"at Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, the performance of Alban Berg's chamber concerto for the March Music Days Festival and performances for the festivals Klangwerkstatt, Jazzfest and Faithful in Berlin,Rainy Days in Luxemburg andKlarafestival inBrüssel.