Mixed-Media-Performance Malérargues, Berlin, 2008
Performance, Video, Sound: Walli Höfinger
Techn. Support: Bernhard Bamberger
She almost flew away... The Soloperformance „dream.stream 7#“ speaks in abstract physical images and through vocal explorations about the echo of a borderline-experience. / "And then she woke up and she was still there...“ Something is dropping off me, like an old skin. Unleashed powers and I am in the middle. At the same time around me - a bubble of calmness. Will you be able to embrace in the moment of death? If I was a bird and I also had two wings, I would fly to you! But as it cannot be I stay here, all alone. Even I am far from you, I am with you in my dream and I speak to you. When I wake up, I am all alone. (german folk song)